


Soybean Quotation

Corn Quotation

Rice Quotation



To be a reference in the national and international agricultural market, integrating financial growth with reduced environmental impact and social development.


Offering quality products exceeding the expectations of our customers and partners, establishing long-lasting relationships based on ethics and socio-environmental responsibility, promoting and recognizing the growth of our human capital


Using state-of-the-art technology and valuing people, TAUNSA Agricultura grew and expanded its business in the planting of soybeans and corn based on the principles of ethics, transparency and respect for the environment


TAUNSA operates in the export and import of grains and agricultural inputs, with a forecast of more than 1 billion investment.


Year after year, Brazil has been breaking records of super harvests and with it the demand for storage grows, one of the biggest bottlenecks in agricultural production in the country. Thinking about meeting this demand with good practices and the use of innovative technologies in grain storage, TAUNSA developed a project for the construction of 34 units with a capacity of one and a half million bags each, which will serve strategic points in the state of Mato Grosso, Rondônia and the Matopiba region (Maranhão, Tocantis, Piauí and Bahia), in addition to three port units, Miritituba/PA, Macapá/AP and Santos/SP


Com operações nacional e internacional, a TAUNSA comercializa insumos agrícolas aos produtores rurais com recebimento em grãos, atividade que contribui para o desenvolvimento da região, abrindo mercado e gerando oportunidades. Reforçando o compromisso com nossos clientes.


Using state-of-the-art technology and valuing people, TAUNSA Agricultura grew and expanded its business in the planting of soybeans and corn based on the principles of ethics, transparency and respect for the environment